RockCandy's Chamber

About My Sexy Evil Site

I started this site back in 2019, having discovered the old web revival scene and realizing that I wanted a site of my own. Using the shitty ass HTML I'd picked up from coding custom boxes on DeviantArt, I slowly began chipping away at this quest. During this time, my fursona was a rainbow cat-chameleon thingie, and the site reflected that: eyesearing colors, autoplaying music, glitter text, endless images, if it was on a Myspace page back in the day, it was on the site.

However, the site was really, really inaccessible, and over time, I realized this rainbow stuff didn't quite fit me. Instead I wanted something darker, and actually functional long-term. So, ever since, I've been endlessly coding the site with the help of my dear friend Pearl, and now that I have glasses, I'm able to actually see what it looks like! Yay!

Currently, it's my simple yet gothic home.


Cardboard Box layout by Kalechips.

Additional coding help from Pearlnight.

Artwork by me.

Favicon from I forgor.