I'm RockCandy the EVIL WITCH CREATURE! RARGH!! When I am not working on my EVIL PLANS (doing my comics and site) I blast loud music through my speakers and play video games. Then yell at my girlfriend about it. (RIP Pearl).
I am also the author of [Pink Panties], my y2k furry disasterpiece that may or may not be wrought from my own trauma, and [Coven Creek], an even bigger trainwreck about supernatural dorks in Alabama.
Here, you can find everything I get up to! It updates whenever I wanna do it. Coding's hard when you're a cat-dog-wolf-witch-were thing; I need snacks, I need my packmates (stuffed animals), I need my familiars (my pets), and POTIONS! (Monster Energy).
⛤ Cool Stuff
⛤ Name | ⛤ Description |
[Dollhouse] | My collection of dolls, plushies and other collectible friends. |
[Dream Diary] | A collection of dreams. Most about the same three things. |
[Link Library] | A big ol' stash of my favorite sites. As of now there are 130 links! |
[Otherkin and Me] | My otherkin history and feelings. And my kin list! |
[VtMB Shrine] | Quest for a dusty coffin box some rich boy wants...Featuring vampires! And goth clubs! |