Dream Diary
They say there ain't no rest for the wicked, but that's actually false. Even demons have to sleep. And when we sleep, our dreams are...Interesting.
Also wow, a lot of these are just my special interests/hyperfixations going crazy in dream land. Huh.
Peach Soda
I was walking down my dining room in my house and there was a can of soda sitting out, already opened. I took a sip and it was peach-flavored and it was SOOOOOOOO GOOD! I drank the whole thing and it was so good it made me do a fist pump and go YEAH!
Putting this here because it is a comically lame, dumb dream of mine even by my standards. In hindsight, I was probably remembering when I tried Alani Nu Juicy Peach flavor energy drink and it was AMAZING! Man, now I really want one. WAIT THEY HAVE AN ORANGE CREAMSICLE FLAVOR WHY HAVEN'T I TRIED ONE-
Me and Maya Have An Adventure, Mouthwashing's Secret Sixth Character, and My Childhood Dog's Back
Me and Maya Fey go to a local waterfall and have to climb up all these boxes overlaid the mountain behind it. We were gonna go see some kinda live event. We reach the location and its a big black room with a TV and a VCR. And a Wii! There were a bunch of other people and we all sat in steel chairs. We tried to get the Wii working, it got all glitchy and noisy and then it broke.
I guess that's how the next part of my dream started cuz then Maya was in prison. No, not just arrested and waiting for trial. I mean she was fucking convicted and was in the prison proper. I don't know how I factor into this, but I do know I started playing through her perspective as she tried to survive jail with everyone being bigger and meaner than her. She had a hard time, and everyone picked on her while I was trying to figure out how to get her out of prison.
OH GOD DAMMIT ITS ANOTHER MOUTHWASHING DREAM! This time, Mouthwashing had a secret cutscene showing everyone boarding the Tulpar, except there was actually a sixth member this entire time, she just couldn't make it to boarding the ship on time. No joke, it literally took off right as she finally got close to it, and she was like NOOOOOOOOO! She was a woman with light skin, light brown short hair and wore a blue jumpsuit with short sleeves, no shirt underneath, fully buttoned up with a red bandana wrapped around her neck and a brown belt. She was really, really upset that she couldn't board on time...If only she realized how lucky she was.
It's official, my brain finally created a fucking Mouthwashing OC. End my life.
I woke up in the middle of the night and then had another dream where I had my childhood dog Nashy back. Except, it wasn't him, at all. It was a dog that looked like him and was a big ol' sweetie, but it wasn't actually him. Dad came up and told me his name was Nashy 2 because he looked just like him and we couldn't figure out what else to name him.
Mangawashing at the Park
It was announced that Wrong Organ was partnering with some mangaka to make these 4koma style comics depicting the life of the crew in Mouthwashing before the crash except I guess it was about life working for Pony Express in general? It had a few other characters introduced in this black and white trailer and one of them was this dude with big poofy fluffy spiky hair and goggles. Anyways, this was presented as a trailer with some promotional animation and then some of the panels from this supposed upcoming comic.
I was really excited for this and then I went out to go to the gas station with Dad to grab some ice cream treaty thingies. Then, we drove out to this playground. I checked on my phone and for some reason it was called Allebahst?? WHAT??? I then played there with my sister...WAIT HOW OLD AM I IN THIS DREAM?
Then, suddenly, its MOM'S turn to drive me and my sister around. Where we going, other than its this warm, sunny suburban place? I dunno, I woke up before I could find out.
Summer Camp Sweetness + Squidwashing
I was a kid, and I was taken to some kind of summer camp. I remember climbing up a big, rocky mountain and jumped down to ride the waterfall as though it was a waterslide. Later on, Mom and Dad picked me up and I went and got a Frosty from Wendy's.
I then woke up in the middle of the night, dream ended. Time for the next dream.
I was on the Tulpar, as Curly, and it was dinner time for the whole crew. I went to a dark room with these buckets of ice water, full of wet slimy vegetables. I pulled them out and slapped them onto plates, then served them to Jimmy, Anya, Swansea and Daisuke. We all ate in a dark room with a couch, perfect place to enjoy our cold wet veggie meals.
I went down to the basement of the ship, which had this gigantic swimming pool. I jumped into the pool and saw that we had a giant purple squid swimming around in it! That was our pet squid. Suddenly, the screen glitches out and turns stark white, with rambling red text going on about how, post-crash, Jimmy stole the whole fucking squid somehow and is...Okay, it didn't tell me what he was gonna do with the squid but the text made it clear he was gonna do something bad to that squid.
I woke up, wondering why the hell my brain decided Mouthwashing needed a giant squid.
The Best Rap Song Ever + Bird Game
There was a funny YouTube song about kidnapping kids and it was filmed like it was the late 2000s-early 10s, with Dracula Flow looking guy dancing around as he rapped about it, with videos overlaid of him holding an infant gently (clearly just a normal family video of him holding his lil brother or cousin or something that, in the context of the song, made it look like he was gonna snatch that kid up and idk eat him or something).
Then I was playing some kind of platformer game that had the artstyle of Yoshi's Island. In it, you played as this Roadrunner but watermelon-y looking guy and he'd hop and jump around. In between levels, there were minigames where you'd bowl with watermelons and hit pins that were shaped like his head. There was a particular type of enemy where it looked like the player bird, but without a head and instead four wiggly worm limbs to attack you. Basically a bird-y watermelon with tentacles.
Tulpar Adventures + City Toilet Adventure
They added DLC to Mouthwashing. First off, there was an AU where Jimmy didn't crash the ship and they just turned RIGHT back around instantly, and so Jimmy had to face off against the scariest thing ever (to a dipshit who can't keep his dick in his pants anyway): Anya's parents. I vaguely recall them looking like scribbly Papa's Pizzeria characters for some reason, while everyone else in the game looked normal. I take it Anya looking as pretty as she does was a miracle if that's her meemaw and peepaw. This meant a boss fight against them where they tag-teamed you and jumped on you and threw you around Mario 64 style. Unlike the rest of the game, it was a platformer now. It was basically impossible to beat. If you managed to defeat one parent, Wario would enter the battle and start jumping on you faster than you could respond. I can't remember what happens if you lose, though, like idk if it just continues the story or if you have to win against the parents (and Wario) to progress, but I like to think Jimmy losing is the true ending and then they give Anya a big hug and then she gets an abortion.
Then, the dream shifts a bit. Now I, myself, was on the Tulpar as we were getting ready to take off and the rest of the crew was there with me. We were preparing to launch but it was near my house, right on the corner where my Grandma's room would be. She was blaring Fox News louder than ever from her TV, making it to where the ship wouldn't launch and we were all PISSED! ALL OF US WERE MAD ABOUT IT!! It's stopping us from doing our job, and none of us could even just take a nap BECAUSE HOW CAN I SLEEP TO THAT???
Woke up in the middle of the night, then I feel back asleep to get a new dream. I am in this big city full of pink cakes being frosted by this weird 60 year old lady with a British accent, eagerly welcoming me to town. Can't remember what it was called, but it was an overcast day full of pops of color. I was on my way to this theatre-convention space, and it was a costume party full of every celebrity ever. I was running through this dark area inside, with its reddish hues emanating as I ran through, barking as I was chasing after something, but I don't know what.
I find my way to a toilet and flush myself down it, reappearing in a new area. A haunting ambience played as I showed up in a public bathroom toilet. It was piercing white and gray and I could feel dread pumping through my veins.
Then I woke up.
- 1/6/2025
My grandma walked into the living room, and suddenly collapses to the ground, struggling to breathe. Soon, she goes into agonal breathing and I hastily try to find my phone but by the time I found it and could call 911, she started shriveling up, until finally dying. I was really upset, not because I was witnessing a relative die, but because I was afraid my mom thought I was too slow finding my phone. Next thing I know, I'm in a big building full of embalmers, all individually embalming random dead bodies. One of them was a guy in a Sonic suit. My sister and mom were with me, with a guy teaching my sister how to embalm bodies.
Attempted Murder In The Snow
- 1/4/2025
I was playing a new Ace Attorney game, playing as Phoenix investigating some crime scene in the snow with Maya by his side. Franziska was there and she was about to hand us some evidence, but right before she could, some maniac shot her in the leg. She tried to stay up, limping as she gave us the evidence we needed before she had to go to the hospital. We then had to ride a train home, worried for her and hoping we could finally put this case (whatever it was) to rest.
Plane Crash
- 12/29/2024
I was hanging out in my grandma's car outside my house, when I saw a passenger plane coming super close down to the ground. I thought it was just flying low until it got...Too low, too fast. I tried to run up my porch and inside but my legs felt like molasses. I witnessed the plane crash and burn, mercifully safe from it but then having to tell my parents what the fuck just happened. Then I woke up.
Peep Hunting and Brainrotting
— 12/14/2024
Me and my mom were at Dollar General and I was on the hunt for Peeps and I couldn't find any ANYWHERE in the entire store and I was super stressed and the cashier was being driven crazy by me and Mom's hunt for the mallowy fellers and the DG kept getting bigger and bigger.
Then I heard this weird, grungy rock song where a male voice sings about how much of an arrogant, prideful jerk you are and how you ruined everything through your cruelty and legit, no joke, in the dream, I said, out loud, "THIS WOULD BE PERFECT FOR A MOUTHWASHING AMV HOLY SHIT"
And then I woke up right after I said that. I am so brainrotted even songs that aren't real aren't safe
Jimmy's At It Again!
- 12/??/2024
I was on Discord and I get a message from Anya. My third fucking Mouthwashing dream in a row I swear to FUCKING GOD. Anyways, she is extremely upset and panicking as she tells me that Jimmy's going around and tricking everyone into watching horrible shock videos. And they'd keep falling for it even after his 40th time doing it. Anya in particular told me Jimmy showed her 1 Man 1 Jar. I was really distressed and messaged Pearl, Alex and Super, maybe we were moderators of the server Jimmy's rampaging in? Or are we on the Tulpar with them?
The BBQ Incident
- 11/??/2024
I was hosting a late night BBQ thing for my whole neighborhood. Suddenly, Jimmy from Mouthwashing (who is apparently my neighbor NOW WHAT THE FUCK) gets really sick, he's like hunched over about to barf as DUN DUN DUN!! HE HAS FOOD POISONING! I panic, fearing that I just poisoned my whole neighborhood, and then I wake up.
Mouthwashing 2: The Squeakquel
- 11/10/2024
They made a sequel to Mouthwashing where the Tulpar blew up and sent Curly flying and somehow he landed in this medieval fantasy Zelda fairytale setting where there were knights and princesses and shit. As I recall, the game started in a warm sunny field and from there I discovered that the game had QWOP controls for some reason. There was a quest with a princess in a high tower who was very cute, she had orange braided hair and you had to help her with something. I guess she can speak to him telepathically? And if you failed her quest she'd die horribly. Everyone made super cute ship art between Curly and the princess. You also could ride a horse in it.
Vampire's Day Off (Or Not)
- ??/??/2024
I was patrolling a dark, dingy movie theater as a vampire in a full black business suit. I went to see a movie about insect parasite zombies rampaging and destroying everything, only to get a facetime call and get scolded for slacking off from my "job" by LaCroix from VtMB.
YouTube and a Murder Plot
- ??/??/2024
I was watching a spooky YouTube video about "THE WORST THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN ON THE INTERNET" from a hooded man in the dark. He spoke about how he saw a video of a man fighting a five year old little girl and how horrible it was. No, I don't mean beating up a child, I mean the child challenged him to a fight and then the two duked it out with very expected results.
Then, I was moving into a new apartment with Pearl, where she lived with this weird sickly skinny dude who made videos she'd help edit. Except, she fucking hated this guy and I did too for some reason, and we plotted to kill him that night. In the morning, we went out to the lobby which, for some reason had a swimming pool and got to witness my little sister's kindergarten teacher have a verbal showdown with some other lady and it was EPIC, albeit I don't remember anything they said.
- 10/??/2024
I had a dream where I was looking for addons to install on my computer and I stumbled across this rabbithole of really fat nerdy guys who are like super-mega-hacker-programmer gods. They'd make these insanely long YouTube videos going on about all the crazy shit their code could do, like summoning computer viruses directly to your PC without ever contacting you or uploading any file to any site and literally destroying your computer and finding out all the information ever known through code itself. They even went as far as to say they could annihilate the internet itself for every person, only to be able to rebuild it before you even knew what happened. I earnestly believed in this and was shocked, amazed and horrified by what they could do with a few clicks.
Prom Night
- 9/??/2024
I was a pretty slutty bimbo girl going to prom! It was just in the school itself, and the dingiest school ever might I add but that's okay! I was having so muuuuch fun and getting a liiiiiiittle tipsy. Just a little. I saw a guy drink a bit too much and he kept stumbling around, but he had friends to help him get to a bench to sit down at.
Right as I was about to go home, me and a bunch of other students discover trails of blood leading to the bathrooms and eventually, the back of the school. The deepest pits of it. It was getting increasingly nightmarish as we'd see bodies every now and then. it was unknown if it was by a serial killer maniac guy, or if it was from some monster...Looking to be the latter.
Right before this plot could get resolved I woke up.
Strange Grandma and Satanic Santa
- 9/19/2024
I was hanging out at this lady's super granny-ish pink house. I vaguely recall the lady herself was white, about 40 or so, with brown hair and red lipstick. She had very bright blue or green eyes and she was very friendly to me. We looked at magazines full of toys and pipe cleaner crafts with googly eyes, and then we settled into the living room.
From there, I went on her PC and accidentally discovered she was into some crazy shit apparently, being an ABDL furry by night! She had a folder just full of these pictures of this orange cat lady in diapers having all sorts of crazy ABDL sex with this giant black and green werewolf man who was her daddy. Like full blown sex acts. It was absolutely batshit to stumble across in this lady's house who I guess is my friend? ???
Thankfully, I managed to sneak off the PC before she could see and...What's this on the floor? ....It's a dead bat. With blood dripping out. Ewwwww! I instantly throw it out and rush to wash my hands.
She had to go clean up her house so I went home and then watched a video about Ace Attorney facts. It had very fast-paced editing with a male narrator with a higher-pitch, OMG WOW LOOK AT THIS type of YouTube video. However, for some reason he then says "HEY DID YOU KNOW SANTA ACTUALLY CAME FROM SATAN??? YOOOO". Not in a Satanic Panic way I mean like he genuinely thought this was a true, epic fact and thought it was super cool. After that, the video just abruptly stops and starts zooming in on Cyrus from Pokemon's eyes.
La Abomination
— 08/26/2024
I had a dream that the vampires and werewolves were at war with each other and I was torn between the two factions...Because I was both! I was both a vampire and a werewolf, having been turned into a vampire then a werewolf as I was super close to my vampire friends and had just started getting to know the werewolves apparently. They were warning me to avoid the werewolves, that they'll just slice you up in an instant but I was like "no...I must be with my kind! Both of them!"
I remember distinctively being at an airport, to return to my homeland as a very gothy vampire guy grabs me and looks at me, wanting to say something as anger filled his eyes, only to let go of me as his expression softened, knowing nothing would stop me. I boarded the plane, thinking about his words as I got hungry for blood but they didn't have it on the plane :CCCCCCC
Next thing I know, I'm back at my local mall and I bear witness to a giant bat monster destroying a store and eating everything, and the lady who owns the place was real upset and screaming. I then went down to the old chik-fil-a area and I see a giant black werewolf with red eyes, lying down next to a scythe, telling me he will destroy any vampires who try to fuck with him or something...Clearly, I had gotten myself into a mess!
And then I woke up wondering wtf all that was about.
Ace Attorney Investigations 3: SHE'S BACK
— 08/15/2024
Last night I had an intensely vivid dream that they made a sequel to that (initially Japan-only) Ace Attorney Investigations 2 game where it was like, time-traveling from past and present, with this white void in between where I was Edgeworth. For some reason, the game had narration but it was done by like. The Pac-Man voice in those goofy Pac-Man records where he sounded Midwestern??? Anyways it turned out Shih-na from the first one was actually a ninja from a thousand years ago (idk if it was like, reincarnated or spirit channeled or if bitch was like genuinely a gazillion years old) and she was gonna like fight Kay who is also actually a ninja too. Also I remember this bit where there was a skycraper that had gotten destroyed and Larry Butz of all people stood in the wreckage like. Shit that happened...There were others but I couldn't remember.
Lawyer Shopping ft. Mario
— 07/17/2024
I was Phoenix Wright, and I was at the mall with Maya, Pearl and Edgeworth. We had a good ol' time and were about to head home, but the "mall" was a giant labyrinthine dimension full of doors that lead to the craziest "stores" that I'm not even sure what they were for in hindsight. It was nighttime, the mall was closing, so that's like, big bad news!
We run into this giant showers spa area and it was massive, we were like shit man this is nice, we gotta go here next time. Until we discovered a fucking murder had happened and we ran as fast as all of us could, it was like. MS Paint drawing but we recognized it as a person and were like OH NO SOMEONE WAS MURDERED.
Then, we make it to this room that has a giant horse statue, with a tiny square door on the side. Everyone else climbs through it while i struggle to squeeze my way into it.
Suddenly, smash cut to what Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad were up to as they are in this heaven-like cloud sky land and walk up these giant stairways (stairway to heaven?)
Back to me I guess,I find myself in a warm, sunsetting, dreamy version of my own backyard. There was a princess there with long, brown hair, a golden crown and a pink dress, but I don't recall if I saw her face. And then I woke up.
Traitorous Ghoul
— 05/30/2024
Me and a bunch of these other vampires were living in a low poly haunted house (in hindsight it was a darker version of the house from that Big and Small "YOU FOUND THE TOOTHPASTE" game) and we had to watch out for vampire hunters. We got the idea to infiltrate them and sneak into their base, pretending to be vampire hunters and toooooooootally not vampires ourselves. It was the job of me, and...Vandal from VtMB, who was our ghoul. Anyways, me and this unwashed RAT had to work together and instantly we had a problem: Vandal is too crazy, he's gnawing on his leg like a dog (?????) and is drawing suspicion all while I'm able to pretend to be a human super easily. Then, as he started ranting, he realized he hated vampires and wanted to turn over to the vampire hunters' side so OOPS. THERE WENT ONE OF OUR ALLIES.
Bible Murder Joel Stream
— 05/09/2024
I had a dream that I and Joel Vargskeletor were having to investigate a murder involving angels and we had to go into the Bible itself every now and then to gather evidence. The interface of it was like a Phoenix Wright game for some reason and we were having to work together and figure out wait how do we hop into a Bible again? Wait what are the controls?
And then I woke up. We did not solve the murder.
— 03/10/2024
I had a dream that Franziska Von Karma from Ace Attorney announced on DeviantART that she had actualy been dyeing her hair blue the whole time, and that she was gonna dye it red from now on. She even had photos of her with different colored hair all throughout the years, including red and also blonde. For some reason, this was extremely upsetting and I was frantically messaging her like "nO DON'T DO IT. DON'T FUCKING DO IT. NO! NOT RED!!"