⛤ Portal

Name Description
[Pink Panties] My webcomic about a bimbo going to a really weird school and making bad friends in 2009.
[Coven Creek] My other webcomic, this one starring a supernatural polycule from hell in the middle of buttfuck Alabama.
[Underworld] Where you can see my characters and fursonas, and read about them!
[Sheezy.Art] This is where I post all my art and non-comic stuff!
[Itch.io] Pink Panties mirror where you can download them!

⛤ Packmates

Name Description
Pearlnight button
My queerplatonic partner and fellow goth who may or may not secretly be a vampire. They have a comic all about vampires in the 70s called [Dancing with the Dead]!
FoxbugForest button
My friend who loves bugs, foxes and spreading the good word about Little Chef. This creature's got a comic featuring cute foxes and unsettling horrors set in the post-apocalypse called [God Animal]!
[Lutzbug] My friend and professional pitbull parentâ„¢. They have a psychological thriller/horror all about gay cow people called [Krazy Noodle Massacre]!

⛤ Link Back 2 Me!

Save this image to your own site! If you hotlink, Slenderman, Smile Dog, Jeff the Killer, Bloody Mary, The Rake and the bitch that fell down the well but can still send you emails anyways will come get you.

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