⛤ About RockCandy the Witch Critter!

Rock (she/they) is a mischievous, hyper cat-dog-wolf-witch...thing that enjoys casting EVIL SPELLS, partying to gothic rock, and making conversations with her stuffed animals. She has a tendency to stick her nose where it doesn't belong and hop right into danger, then wonder why things go wrong for her all the time.

She can easily be found in her big spooky witch mansion, located in the deepest parts of a forest in [REDACTED BUT ITS SOMEWHERE IN THE DEEP SOUTH IN THE US!! REALLY SCARY!!]. However, she frequently travels to the Digital Realm TM, albeit in a different form to camoflauge better. Let's just say, if you suddenly see a black Eevee-chu with a witch hat in Treasure Town, or a mysterious lady with her face obscured in shadow dancing at The Asylum nightclub, that's her!!

Rock represents everything about myself, everything I love and what I connect with as otherkin, as well as functioning as a virtual fursuit for myself. She is me, with a theatrical twist and everything I've ever wanted in some shape or form.


⛤ What IS Rock Actually?

Rock is many, many things. In stupid person from 2012 speak, a Mary Sue. In normal people speak, an insane hybrid.

In short, she's a cat-dog-wolf hybrid witch who is also afflicted with vampirism and werewolfism. She is also a lich who specializes in transformation magic, with a Soul Gem so she is now effectively immortal, even by vampire standards, so long as that Gem's unharmed. Oh, and she's bound with some weeeeeeird spirits who may or may not be demons. But there's an angel here too, she swears!

She casts spells naturally and can learn nearly any of them, is a master at transformation of all kinds but in return, she has to drink blood and also every full moon she transforms into a big were form.

How did all that happen? Well, she was originally the product of a cat familiar and a wolfdog familiar getting freaky (magic can do that), then drank a special potion and got uplifted into being an anthro and became a witch. Next, she got embraced by a hunky vampire guy, then got bit by a bunch of lesbian werewolves, and kept summoning god knows what at 3 AM. After al of that, she decided to then follow a Wikihow tutorial on how to make yourself a lich. Oh, and her parents allege that the Fae were there when she was born and that might have something to do with it.


⛤ Where Did Rock Come From?

Rock started life early as surprisingly close to her current form. A tiny round black cat named Candy, who had big purple/pink eyes and sometimes a witch hat.

Then, she became a cat-chameleon hybrid for a bit, taking on an overtly scene appearance as I got super into y2k scene nostalgia.

However, she didn't quite feel truly me. For one, I didn't resonate as strong with solely being scene like I expected. Second...All my life, I had felt out of place with other girls and women, but I didn't know how or why, and this at the time solely-female sona only reminded me of that.

I realized I was nonbinary, but I had no idea what kind I was for a long, long time. I did know, however, that I wanted something different.

For a bit, she then became a white rabbit, but distinctively a more androgynous creature, with blank white eyes and white (later black) hair.

Getting a liiiiiiittle closer, but not quite right.

I then realized how much I love horror and being scary, and went in the opposite extreme, making a fursona who is a big, hefty Smile Dog looking thing. A hellhound specifically, an evil one who was BIG AND ATE PEOPLE, GRR!! This was also right around the time that I discovered that I was otherkin, and this one helped me to embrace it fully.

We're so close, but so far. I like demons, they're rad, and hellhounds are super cool! But I didn't feel particularly connected to demons as a whole. Especially as someone who is more general spiritual than was ever religious in a typical sense. And I liked Rock being big, but I also wanted to be cute and small sometimes, I wanted to still be pretty. Rock wound up being more a part of me than what I truly was.

However, I realized at the end of all this confusion with my gender and who I was, I was a woman, just more than a woman. I realized I was a demigirl. I was still a girl, and always will be one, but I was repeatedly defeminized growing up, told I acted like "such a boy", that I was too masculine by my teachers, and treated as though I was, at best, one of the boys, so I felt unworthy of being a woman. Turns out, I simply have a queer relationship with being a girl. A girl thing! And also I was hearing this from crusty ahh boomers in the Bible Belt who were shocked that a child wouldn't be an instant housewife stereotype and would want to do things, like be a child.

With this realization (and a few others about myself), I felt more connected to myself than ever before. I looked back on all my old fursona designs and realized I still loved so many of them and their quirks, and decided to merge them all into one cute little kitty-thing.

I've had a fursona for most of my adult life, and I'm happy I finally have her match the real me. Albeit I don't have epic magic powers...Yet. >:3


⛤ Fun Facts About The Creatura